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Ideas (RePEc)
Marquette University Department of Economics Working Papers Series
Publications, 2010-present
papers available on request: [email protected]
Ideas (RePEc)
Marquette University Department of Economics Working Papers Series
Publications, 2010-present
papers available on request: [email protected]
“Objectivity in economics and the problem of the individual” Journal of Economic Methodology.
“What are reflexive economics agents? Position-adjustment, SLAM, and self-organization,” eds., Ping Chen, Wolfram Elsner, Andreas Pyka, Handbook of Complexity Economics, London: Routledge.
“Teaching economics and ethics,” in Teaching Ethics to economists: a plurality of perspectives, eds. Ioana Negru, Craig Duckworth and Imko Meyenburg, Cheltenham: Elgar Publishing (2023).
“Sheila Dow’s Open Systems Methodology,” Economic methodology, history and pluralism: Expanding economic thought to meet contemporary challenges, eds. Ioana Negru and Penelope Hawkins, London: Routledge (2023): 31-47.
“Managing Contagion: Covid-19, Public Health, and Reflexive Behavior,” Brazilian Journal of Political Economic 42: 3 (2022): 555-571.
“A general theory of social economic stratification: Stigmatization, exclusion, and capability shortfalls,” Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 3: 3 (2022): 493-513.
“Keynes’s Treatise on Probability 100 Years Later: Small vs. large worlds and closed vs. open systems,” History of Economic Ideas.
“Response to Valentina Erasmo’s Comment,” History of Economic Ideas.
"Economics as a Normative Discipline: Value Disentanglement in an ‘Objective’ Economics"
forthcoming in The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought, London: Routledge, eds. Sina Badiei and Agnès Grivaux
“Economics’ Boundaries with Other Sciences and within Itself,” Journal of the History of Economic Thought 43:2 (2021) (co-author Franck Jovanovic).
“John Tomer’s Reconceptualization of the Concept of Human Capital,” in M. Altman, eds., Constructing a More Scientific Economics: John Tomer’s Pluralistic and Humanistic Economics, London: Palgrave.
“Counterfactual Thinking and Attribute Substitution in Economic Behavior,” Review of Behavioral Economics 8 (1): 1-23 (2021).
“Introduction: Economic methodology and philosophy of economics twenty years since the Millennium,” Journal of Economic Methodology. (co-author Wade Hands)
“Change and Continuity in Economic Methodology and Philosophy of Economics” Revue de Philosophie Économique/Review of Economic Philosophy 21:2 (2020).
“The Sea Battle Tomorrow: The Identity of Reflexive Economic Agents,” in K. Velupillai, eds., Keynesian, Sraffian, Computable and Dynamic Economics, Springer Nature.
“Introduction: The Status of the Concept of Identity in Economics,” Forum for Social Economics.
Review: Essays in Keynesian Persuasion by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, History of Political Economy.
“Comment: Comment on Sinha on the relationship between Sraffa and Wittgenstein,” in A. Sinha, ed., A Reflection on Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
“Comment: Carabelli on Sraffa and Keynes on measurement,” in A. Sinha, ed., A Reflection on Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
“Openness as a Methodological Principle of Sraffa’s Economic Thinking,” in A. Sinha, ed., A Reflection on Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
“Belief reversals as phase transitions and economic fragility: A complexity theory of financial cycles with reflexive agents,” Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 1:1 (2020): 67-84.
“A road not taken? A brief history of care in economic thought,” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 27 (2) 2019: 209-229. (co-author Robert McMaster).
“Foreword,” The Nature and Method of Economic Sciences: Evidence, Causality, and Ends by Ricardo Crespo, Routledge, 2020:
Davis, John B., "Stratification Economics as an Economics of Exclusion," Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy.
“What are reflexive economics agents? Position-adjustment, SLAM, and self-organization,” eds., Ping Chen, Wolfram Elsner, Andreas Pyka, Handbook of Complexity Economics, London: Routledge.
“Teaching economics and ethics,” in Teaching Ethics to economists: a plurality of perspectives, eds. Ioana Negru, Craig Duckworth and Imko Meyenburg, Cheltenham: Elgar Publishing (2023).
“Sheila Dow’s Open Systems Methodology,” Economic methodology, history and pluralism: Expanding economic thought to meet contemporary challenges, eds. Ioana Negru and Penelope Hawkins, London: Routledge (2023): 31-47.
“Managing Contagion: Covid-19, Public Health, and Reflexive Behavior,” Brazilian Journal of Political Economic 42: 3 (2022): 555-571.
“A general theory of social economic stratification: Stigmatization, exclusion, and capability shortfalls,” Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 3: 3 (2022): 493-513.
“Keynes’s Treatise on Probability 100 Years Later: Small vs. large worlds and closed vs. open systems,” History of Economic Ideas.
“Response to Valentina Erasmo’s Comment,” History of Economic Ideas.
"Economics as a Normative Discipline: Value Disentanglement in an ‘Objective’ Economics"
forthcoming in The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought, London: Routledge, eds. Sina Badiei and Agnès Grivaux
“Economics’ Boundaries with Other Sciences and within Itself,” Journal of the History of Economic Thought 43:2 (2021) (co-author Franck Jovanovic).
“John Tomer’s Reconceptualization of the Concept of Human Capital,” in M. Altman, eds., Constructing a More Scientific Economics: John Tomer’s Pluralistic and Humanistic Economics, London: Palgrave.
“Counterfactual Thinking and Attribute Substitution in Economic Behavior,” Review of Behavioral Economics 8 (1): 1-23 (2021).
“Introduction: Economic methodology and philosophy of economics twenty years since the Millennium,” Journal of Economic Methodology. (co-author Wade Hands)
“Change and Continuity in Economic Methodology and Philosophy of Economics” Revue de Philosophie Économique/Review of Economic Philosophy 21:2 (2020).
“The Sea Battle Tomorrow: The Identity of Reflexive Economic Agents,” in K. Velupillai, eds., Keynesian, Sraffian, Computable and Dynamic Economics, Springer Nature.
“Introduction: The Status of the Concept of Identity in Economics,” Forum for Social Economics.
Review: Essays in Keynesian Persuasion by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, History of Political Economy.
“Comment: Comment on Sinha on the relationship between Sraffa and Wittgenstein,” in A. Sinha, ed., A Reflection on Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
“Comment: Carabelli on Sraffa and Keynes on measurement,” in A. Sinha, ed., A Reflection on Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
“Openness as a Methodological Principle of Sraffa’s Economic Thinking,” in A. Sinha, ed., A Reflection on Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
“Belief reversals as phase transitions and economic fragility: A complexity theory of financial cycles with reflexive agents,” Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 1:1 (2020): 67-84.
“A road not taken? A brief history of care in economic thought,” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 27 (2) 2019: 209-229. (co-author Robert McMaster).
“Foreword,” The Nature and Method of Economic Sciences: Evidence, Causality, and Ends by Ricardo Crespo, Routledge, 2020:
Davis, John B., "Stratification Economics as an Economics of Exclusion," Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy.

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Davis, John B., Agent-Based Modeling's Open Methodology Approach: Simulation, Reflexivity, and Abduction, Oeconomia 8 (4):
Davis, John (forthcoming) “Economics and Economic Methodology in a Core-Periphery World,” Brazilian Journal of Political Economy.
Davis, John (2019) “Specialization, fragmentation, and pluralism in economics” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought26: 2 (2019).
Davis, John (2019) “Specialization, fragmentation, and pluralism in economics” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought26: 2 (2019).

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Davis, John B. (forthcoming) “Comment on White on the Relationship between Economics and Ethics,”The Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science.

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Davis, John B. (2018) "Extending Behavioral Economics’ Methodological Critique of Rational Choice Theory to Include Counterfactual Reasoning," forthcoming Journal of Behavioral Economics and Policy, 2.2.

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i; nDavis, John B. (forthcoming) "Ethics and Economics: A Complex Systems Approach," ed. M. White, Oxford Handbook on Ethics and Economics,
Davis, John B. (2018) “Comment: Scheuer on Computational Agents,” Economic Thought: History, Philosophy, and Methodology, World Economics Association,
Davis, John B. “Explaining changing individual identity: Two examples from the financial crisis,” International Journal for Pluralism in Economic Education,
Davis, John B., Behavioral Economics and the Positive-Normative Distinction: Sunstein's Choosing Not to Choose and Behavioral Economics Imperialism (October 12, 2017). Éthique et Économique (Ethics and Economics). Available at
Davis, John B., Is Mainstream Economics a Science Bubble? (October 3, 2017). Forthcoming in Review of Political Economy. Available at SSRN:; available at
Davis, John B., Agent-Based Modeling's Open Methodology Approach: Simulation, Reflexivity, and Abduction (September 2, 2017). Available at SSRN:; now published in Oeconomia at
Davis, John B., Sraffa on the Open vs. ‘Closed Systems’ Distinction and Causality (July 18, 2017). Forthcoming in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology. Available at SSRN:
Davis, John B., The Continuing Relevance of Keynes's Philosophical Thinking: Reflexivity, Complexity, and Uncertainty (December 6, 2016). Forthcoming in Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science. Available at SSRN: or
Davis, John B. (2018) “Comment: Scheuer on Computational Agents,” Economic Thought: History, Philosophy, and Methodology, World Economics Association,
Davis, John B. “Explaining changing individual identity: Two examples from the financial crisis,” International Journal for Pluralism in Economic Education,
Davis, John B., Behavioral Economics and the Positive-Normative Distinction: Sunstein's Choosing Not to Choose and Behavioral Economics Imperialism (October 12, 2017). Éthique et Économique (Ethics and Economics). Available at
Davis, John B., Is Mainstream Economics a Science Bubble? (October 3, 2017). Forthcoming in Review of Political Economy. Available at SSRN:; available at
Davis, John B., Agent-Based Modeling's Open Methodology Approach: Simulation, Reflexivity, and Abduction (September 2, 2017). Available at SSRN:; now published in Oeconomia at
Davis, John B., Sraffa on the Open vs. ‘Closed Systems’ Distinction and Causality (July 18, 2017). Forthcoming in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology. Available at SSRN:
Davis, John B., The Continuing Relevance of Keynes's Philosophical Thinking: Reflexivity, Complexity, and Uncertainty (December 6, 2016). Forthcoming in Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science. Available at SSRN: or
“Hodgson, cumulative causation, and reflexive economic agents.” Forthcoming in Francesca Gagliardi and David Gindis, eds., Institutions and the Evolution of Capitalism, Essays in Honour of Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

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"Transformation without Paternalism," Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, with Tom Wells

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"Economics Imperialism versus Multidisciplinarity," History of Economic Ideas

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“Agency and the process aspect of capability development: Individual capabilities, collective capabilities, and collective intentions,” Filosofía de la Economía 4 (2015): 5-24.

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“Lawson on Veblen on social ontology,” What is this ‘school’ called neoclassical economics? Debating the Issues, Jamie Morgan, ed., London: Routledge, 2015.

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“Stratification economics and identity economics,” Cambridge Journal of Economics

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“Situating Care in Mainstream Health Economics: An Ethical Dilemma?” Journal of Institutional Economics. [Co-author R. McMaster]

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“Bounded Rationality and Bounded Individuality,” Research in the History of Economics and Methodology.

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“‘Pluralism’ in Economics? A Symposium,” Review of Political Economy.
“Pluralism and Anti-Pluralism in Economics: Homo Economicus and Religious Fundamentalism,” Review of Political Economy.
“Pluralism and Anti-Pluralism in Economics: Homo Economicus and Religious Fundamentalism,” Review of Political Economy.

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“The emergence of agent-based modelling in economics: Individuals come down to bits,” Filosofía de la Economía 1 (2), 2013: 229-246.
“Soros’s Reflexivity Concept in a Complex World: Cauchy distributions, rational expectations, and rational addiction,” Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (2013): 368-376.
Social Capital: Social Values, Power, and Social Identity, London: Routledge, forthcoming 2014. [Co-editor Asimina Christoforou]
“Social Capital and Social Identity: Trust and Conflict,” in Social Capital: Social Values, Power, and Social Identity, A. Christoforou and J. Davis, eds., London: Routledge, forthcoming 2014.
“Social Capital and Social Identity: Trust and Conflict,” in Social Capital: Social Values, Power, and Social Identity, A. Christoforou and J. Davis, eds., London: Routledge, forthcoming 2014.

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Review Essay: “The World in the Model and the Model in the World: The World in the Model by Mary Morgan,” Metascience,
“Economists’ Odd Stand on the Positive-Normative Distinction: A Behavioral Economics View,” Oxford University Press Handbook on Professional Economic Ethics: Views from the Economics Profession and Beyond, G. DeMartino and D. McCloskey, eds., Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
The Economics of Social Institutions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, forthcoming. [Co-editor Asimina Christoforou]
“Introduction,” The Economics of Social Institutions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, forthcoming: xiii-xxxv, forthcoming. [Co-author A. Christoforou]
“Identity” in Handbook on the Economics of Philanthropy, Reciprocity and Social Enterprise, L. Bruni and S. Zamagni, eds., Edward Elgar Publishers, forthcoming.
Review: The Making of the Economy: A Phenomenology of Economic Science by Till Dűppe, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, forthcoming.
“Blaug on the historiography of economics,” Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics; forthcoming,
“Blaug on the historiography of economics,” Mark Blaug as an historian and methodologist of economics, Marcel Boumans and Matthias Klaes, eds., Cheltenham: Elgar, 2013: 195-215.
“Pluralism and Anti-Pluralism in Economics: Homo Economicus and Religious Fundamentalism,” Review of Political Economy:
“Person-Centered Health Care: Capabilities and Identity,” American Journal of Bioethics 13, issue 8 (August 2013): 61-2.
“Methodology, Systemic Risk, and the Economics Profession,” The Institute Blog, Institute for New Economic Thinking,, July 23, 2013. [Co-author W. Hands]
“Commitment, identity, and collective intentions,” Maitreyee 21 (June, 2013): 12-14.
“Economics imperialism under the impact of psychology: The case of behavioral development economics,” Oeconomia 3 (March 2013): 119-138.
“Introduction: “Methodology, Systemic Risk, and the Economics Profession,” Journal of Economic Methodology 20: (March 2013): 1-5.
“Kenneth Boulding on Economics as a Moral Science,” Interdisciplinary Economics: Kenneth E. Boulding’s Engagement in the Sciences, eds. S. Kesting and W. Dolfsma, London: Routledge, 2013, 153-166.
“The Change in Sraffa’s Philosophical Thinking,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36 (November 2012): 1342-1356.
“Rawlsian individuals: Justice, experiments, and complexity,” Journal of Economic Issues 46:3 (September 2012): 729-743.
“Samuels on methodological pluralism in economics,” Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 30A (2012): 121-136.
“Introduction: Values and Justice,” Journal of Economic Methodology 19:2 (June 2012): 99.
Review essay: “The Idea of Public Reasoning: The Idea of Justice by Amartya Sen,” Journal of Economic Methodology 19:2 (June 2012):169-172.
“The 2012 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: Geoffrey M. Hodgson,” Journal of Economic Issues 46 (June 2012): 263-4
“Foreword: Microfoundations Reconsidered: The Relationship of Micro and Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective,” Cheltenham: Elgar, 2012: vii-viii.
“Obituary: Warren Samuels (1933-2011),” European Journal for the History of Economic Thought 19 (February 2012): 115-124.
Review: Looking Beyond the Individualism and Homo Economicus of Neoclassical Economics: A Collection of Original Essays, edited by Edward J. O’Boyle, History of Economic Thought and Policy, 1 (2012): 156-158.
“Mäki on Economics Imperialism,” Economics for Real: Uskali Mäki and the Place of Truth in Economics, Jaakko Kuorikoski, Aki Lehtinen, and Petri Ylikoski, eds., London: Routledge, 2012: 203-219.
Individuals and Identity in Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011; hardcover, paper.
“Introduction: The Changing Character of Economic Methodology,” The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011: 1-15. [Co-author Wade Hands]: 1-15.
The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011; paper, 2013. [Co-editor Wade Hands]
“The Homo economicus conception of the individual: an ontological approach.” In U. Mäki, ed., Philosophy of Economics, Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Elsevier (2012): 459-482. “Introduction: The history of economics as a history of practice,” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 18: 5 (December 2011): 1–8. [Co-authors: Harro Maas and Tiago Mata]
Review Essay: Identity Economics by Akerlof and Kranton, Economics and Philosophy 27 (2011): 331-8.
“Sen on justice, deliberation, and individuals,” Maitreyee, 19 (September 2011): 3-6.
Economic Methodology: Understanding Economics as a Science, Palgrave, 2010; hardcover, paper. [Co-author M. Boumans]
“Neuroeconomics: Constructing Identity,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76 (2010): 574-583.
Review: Economics, Culture and Social Theory, by William A. Jackson, Journal of Cultural Economics, vol. 34. No. 3 (2010): 237-240.
“Economists’ Odd Stand on the Positive-Normative Distinction: A Behavioral Economics View,” Oxford University Press Handbook on Professional Economic Ethics: Views from the Economics Profession and Beyond, G. DeMartino and D. McCloskey, eds., Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
The Economics of Social Institutions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, forthcoming. [Co-editor Asimina Christoforou]
“Introduction,” The Economics of Social Institutions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, forthcoming: xiii-xxxv, forthcoming. [Co-author A. Christoforou]
“Identity” in Handbook on the Economics of Philanthropy, Reciprocity and Social Enterprise, L. Bruni and S. Zamagni, eds., Edward Elgar Publishers, forthcoming.
Review: The Making of the Economy: A Phenomenology of Economic Science by Till Dűppe, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, forthcoming.
“Blaug on the historiography of economics,” Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics; forthcoming,
“Blaug on the historiography of economics,” Mark Blaug as an historian and methodologist of economics, Marcel Boumans and Matthias Klaes, eds., Cheltenham: Elgar, 2013: 195-215.
“Pluralism and Anti-Pluralism in Economics: Homo Economicus and Religious Fundamentalism,” Review of Political Economy:
“Person-Centered Health Care: Capabilities and Identity,” American Journal of Bioethics 13, issue 8 (August 2013): 61-2.
“Methodology, Systemic Risk, and the Economics Profession,” The Institute Blog, Institute for New Economic Thinking,, July 23, 2013. [Co-author W. Hands]
“Commitment, identity, and collective intentions,” Maitreyee 21 (June, 2013): 12-14.
“Economics imperialism under the impact of psychology: The case of behavioral development economics,” Oeconomia 3 (March 2013): 119-138.
“Introduction: “Methodology, Systemic Risk, and the Economics Profession,” Journal of Economic Methodology 20: (March 2013): 1-5.
“Kenneth Boulding on Economics as a Moral Science,” Interdisciplinary Economics: Kenneth E. Boulding’s Engagement in the Sciences, eds. S. Kesting and W. Dolfsma, London: Routledge, 2013, 153-166.
“The Change in Sraffa’s Philosophical Thinking,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36 (November 2012): 1342-1356.
“Rawlsian individuals: Justice, experiments, and complexity,” Journal of Economic Issues 46:3 (September 2012): 729-743.
“Samuels on methodological pluralism in economics,” Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 30A (2012): 121-136.
“Introduction: Values and Justice,” Journal of Economic Methodology 19:2 (June 2012): 99.
Review essay: “The Idea of Public Reasoning: The Idea of Justice by Amartya Sen,” Journal of Economic Methodology 19:2 (June 2012):169-172.
“The 2012 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: Geoffrey M. Hodgson,” Journal of Economic Issues 46 (June 2012): 263-4
“Foreword: Microfoundations Reconsidered: The Relationship of Micro and Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective,” Cheltenham: Elgar, 2012: vii-viii.
“Obituary: Warren Samuels (1933-2011),” European Journal for the History of Economic Thought 19 (February 2012): 115-124.
Review: Looking Beyond the Individualism and Homo Economicus of Neoclassical Economics: A Collection of Original Essays, edited by Edward J. O’Boyle, History of Economic Thought and Policy, 1 (2012): 156-158.
“Mäki on Economics Imperialism,” Economics for Real: Uskali Mäki and the Place of Truth in Economics, Jaakko Kuorikoski, Aki Lehtinen, and Petri Ylikoski, eds., London: Routledge, 2012: 203-219.
Individuals and Identity in Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011; hardcover, paper.
“Introduction: The Changing Character of Economic Methodology,” The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011: 1-15. [Co-author Wade Hands]: 1-15.
The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011; paper, 2013. [Co-editor Wade Hands]
“The Homo economicus conception of the individual: an ontological approach.” In U. Mäki, ed., Philosophy of Economics, Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Elsevier (2012): 459-482. “Introduction: The history of economics as a history of practice,” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 18: 5 (December 2011): 1–8. [Co-authors: Harro Maas and Tiago Mata]
Review Essay: Identity Economics by Akerlof and Kranton, Economics and Philosophy 27 (2011): 331-8.
“Sen on justice, deliberation, and individuals,” Maitreyee, 19 (September 2011): 3-6.
Economic Methodology: Understanding Economics as a Science, Palgrave, 2010; hardcover, paper. [Co-author M. Boumans]
“Neuroeconomics: Constructing Identity,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76 (2010): 574-583.
Review: Economics, Culture and Social Theory, by William A. Jackson, Journal of Cultural Economics, vol. 34. No. 3 (2010): 237-240.